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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hey guys check this nerf Maverick mod out. Looks like some sort of medieval device. Thanks to Nerf Hotspot for the pics and info. Creepy mod, though. EPIC.
Epicly creepy

This is my last post for today. i won't do any tomorrow. i am going on a camping trip for a day! Bye!


I like nerf and all, but look at the prices for a Stampede in Australia!
Feel free to comment on how much this sucks.

New Nerf Guns of 2011 Redo

Looks like I made a mistake (Not Surprisingly) The Speedload 6 has slam fire and you insert the bullets through the top. Look at the manual-
Sorry about that. (Heh heh heh)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Barricade REV-10

Hey guys. I haven't reviewed the Barricade REV-10 yet, so here it is.
It's cool because it revolves, but it's still self-load, not clips. Which makes it kinda slow.... Still it's pretty cool, anyways. I like the design.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Australian festival Ideas

 hi. i know I'd said I was signing off for a while, but I just couldn't help it. Look guys. Here's some pics of an Australian toy fair that happened yesterday, on March 25. i know that looked weird in type, but Australia is a 16hrs ahead of the U.S., where i am, so yeah. There are pics of the Stampede ECS 50 and a barricade with a Raider stock. like it wasn't long enough already. Anyways, here they are.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New gun Pics

I KNEW it. Check it out. All new pics of 2011 gear and blasters in tournaments.

WOWOWOW. Pretty cool huh. I'll be signing off for a few days, I used up alot of my data and photos today. C U in a few days!


LOOK!!! IT'S THE STAMPEDE ECS 50!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!! It's true!! Look on the nerf facebook page and "Like" it. AWESOME!!
Totally WICKED. A Barricade shield and a Bipod!! Awesome.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Kinds of Posts

As of today, i will be doing super soaker reviews. I have only been doing gun reviews but now i want to do more. Here are some reviews of guns that came out last month, but are still hot.

This is the new point break. It really just looks like your basic pump action, hose refilled gun. The thing is it's mini, so i recommend carrying them around in your pockets. Not much else to say here really, just that in TOTALLY looks like the nite finder, right?
Here is the Thunderstorm. It uses the clip system and has no pump that i can see. but it looks like you could attach a Recon stock to make it a rifle. Plus I think the water clips fit in the Recon Stock. Pretty Sweet.

This here is the Hydro Cannon. It has a blast shield, like the Nerf Guns! Woohoo......Nope. You'll still get soaking wet. It uses pump action and looks pretty powerful. but hard to load.
Also, we have Competition. my friend has a nerf blog and we HAVE to stay ahead. GO C.N.I.A!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Blog

Hey guys I have a new blog! It's a blog for my band, Broken Objects! So if any of you fellow nerfers also happen to like Rock music, either click the link or look at the "Hard Rock Blogs" list and check it out.
Broken Objects 
P.S. I know I haven't done anything Nerf-y in a while, I just can't seem to find new headlines. If some of my fans can give my emails at or comment, I'll be very grateful.

Monday, March 14, 2011


GUYS I FINALLY GOT THE NERF TOURNAMENT DONE!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HERE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, the link to the Youtube Channel.
plz feel free to comment. I know I'm really late and I apologize,but alot of things have come up. Now sit back and enjoy.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Feeling better.

I'm feeling better, and the tournament will be on the weekend. Please don't hate me, but we have about 450 hits, so it will be the 400 hits party. look, I'm sorry. I've been busy. But the tournament will be cool. i promise.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Guess what? I'm sick. I was planning to do the tournament today but, well, I have a fever. I'm sorry. I can barely write this. I'll try to get the tournament going once I feel better. *Passes out of fever-ness*

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Uhh Problems

The problem is, this is a monitor computer, so I can't exactly bring the computer to a handy location. I have to get permission to use the upstairs room, so this might be a while. Here are some videos in the meantime.
Nerf Squad 1
Nerf Squad 2
Nerf Squad 3

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm sorry

Hey guys guess what? I've got a new computer! Which is why I haven't posted recently. I had to set it up and get the Internet running and stuff. I'll try to get the tourney going soon, but it's kinda glitchy still. I'm really sorry.